About SustiPortal


We founded SustiPortal to accelerate action on global sustainability goals in the world of business and finance.  

Today, sustainability is a key concern for leaders in business and finance, posing major risks and opportunities. Client demand for ESG integration and sustainability is skyrocketing and new regulations such as the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and the EU Taxonomy are driving the sustainability agenda forward at a rapid pace. To stay competitive, organizations need to act swiftly and decisively on a diverse and complex range of topics such as climate change, water scarcity, and diversity.

Based on our extensive experience advising the world’s largest companies and financial institutions on sustainability strategies and ESG integration, our vision is to build the next generation of digital solutions to transform capital markets and enable a sustainable future.


Supported by the EIT Climate-KIC start-up accelerator programme


Speedinvest names SustiPortal as a leading ESG company to watch in the climate tech space

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